
professional background

italian dentist in london

Dr Alfonso Frontera was born in Rome, Italy.
His father was a GP and he comes from a family with a long tradition in the medical field.
He followed such a strong family path joining the Faculty of Dental Surgery at “ la Sapienza” University in Rome, to become a Dental Surgeon, and he was granted his Degree in 1992 “cum laude”.
He then started to work as a general dentist in Rome while continuing his training.
He developed an interest in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry and attended regularly as a visiting student the prestigious Columbia University in NYC.
In 2002, attracted by the international environment and multicultural lifestyle he moved to London, where he started to work in several prestigious private practices, and in a top notch corporate:  Bootsdentalcare.
This allowed him to establish a network of professional connections with some of the best specialists of the capital and still consent him to deal confidently with very intricate clinical situations.
Being strongly interested in the various forms of cosmetic orthodontics he acquired  a good background working for five years in one of the leading Invisalign practice of the country.
Today he practices indipendently at two great locations in central London, where he is free to implement his working philosophy:  he very much prefers a conservative approach to dentistry where drilling is the last resource and the preservation of the dental tissue is the first goal.